home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- G4C
- ; Opens pop-up window to deal with a file
- ; USE:
- ; GuiLoad guis:tools/rtn/FilePop FileName -or
- ; GuiOpen FilePop FileName
- ; ================================================================
- ; Globals & system events
- ; ================================================================
- WinBig 0 0 80 90 ""
- WinType 00001000
- winonmouse 30 7
- xonload filename
- if $filename > ''
- guiopen FilePop $filename
- endif
- xonreload filename
- if $filename > ''
- guiopen FilePop $filename
- endif
- xonopen filename ; just to get the var
- xOnRMB
- guiclose FilePop
- xOnInactive
- guiclose FilePop
- xOnFail
- ezreq "Error during operation" OK ""
- xOnQuit
- guiquit FilePop2
- ; ================================================================
- ; Buttons
- ; ================================================================
- xbutton 0 0 0 15 Auto
- guiclose FilePop
- guiload guis:tools/rtn/GetFileType $filepop/filename
- filetype = $$ret.0
- if $filetype > ''
- guiload guis:tools/rtn/ViewFile $FilePop/filename $FilePop/filetype RUN
- endif
- xbutton 0 15 0 15 More..
- guiopen FilePop2
- guiclose FilePop
- xbutton 0 30 0 15 List
- guiload guis:tools/read.gc $FilePop/filename
- xbutton 0 45 0 15 Cli..
- guiclose FilePop
- guiload guis:tools/cli.gc $filepop/filename CLI
- xbutton 0 60 0 15 'Edit'
- ifexists port rexx_ced ; if the CygnusEd editor is running..
- ifexists gui cedbar.gc ; use it for the editing
- guiscreen cedbar.gc front
- else
- guiscreen FilePop back ; hoping that Ced is the next screen..
- endif
- sendrexx rexx_ced 'open new'
- sendrexx rexx_ced 'open $filename'
- sendrexx rexx_ced 'expand view'
- elseifexists variable *DEF.EDITOR
- run '$*DEF.EDITOR $filename'
- else
- run 'c:ed $filename'
- endif
- guiclose FilePop
- xbutton 0 75 0 15 Rx
- guiclose FilePop
- sendrexx AREXX '$filename'
- ;######################################################################
- NEWFILE FilePop2 ; Pop-up on double-click "More.." gui.
- ; edit this gui to fit your favourites
- ;######################################################################
- WinBig 0 0 80 90 ""
- WinType 00001000
- winonmouse 30 7
- varpath 'FilePop'
- xOnRMB
- guiclose FilePop2
- xOnInactive
- guiclose FilePop2
- xOnFail
- ezreq "Error during operation" OK ""
- ;---------------> the Buttons
- xbutton 0 0 0 15 'MView'
- guiclose FilePop2
- if $*DEF.DT > ''
- run '$*DEF.DT $filename'
- else
- run 'multiview $filename'
- endif
- xbutton 0 15 0 15 'FRead'
- guiclose FilePop2
- *FRGUIDE = $filename
- guiload guis:tools/fastread/fastread.gc
- xbutton 0 30 0 15 'DPaint'
- guiclose FilePop2
- run '$*DEF.PAINT $filename'
- xbutton 0 45 0 15 'GfxEd'
- run '$*DEF.GFXED $filename'
- xbutton 0 60 0 15 'HexView'
- run '$*DEF.HEX $filename'
- xbutton 0 75 0 15 'Mod'
- run '$*DEF.MOD $filename'